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Hiring mistakes: here is what to avoid at your next hire

Hiring the right person for a position isn’t a simple process anymore. On the contrary, managers have a lot more information to consider before even drafting the job description. As a result of new complexities, hiring mistakes are on the rise. Not to mention that increased demand for technical skills and the mass exodus of people leaving the workforce added an extra layer to the challenge of hiring the best candidate.

Aside from damaging the decision-maker’s reputation, hiring mistakes will take a toll on the entire company. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, a wrong hire will cost at least 30% of the professional’s expected earnings in the first year of employment. And it doesn’t stop there. Additionally, the company will have to deal with productivity-related problems, decreased team collaboration, potential client dissatisfaction, and the inevitable cost of replacing the misfit with an ideal professional.

As a hiring manager, you are a crucial part of the company’s growth strategy. With each new hire, your goal is to find the best fit so the machinery can run smoothly. As a matter of fact, an improperly tightened screw stops the whole clock from ticking. The slightest inaccuracy during the hiring journey becomes quickly apparent. In the best-case scenario, the manager will identify a lousy hire promptly before it starts to drain the whole engine. However, it usually takes time for people to notice and admit that a mistake has been made. Most managers will spend 17 percent of their time, almost a day per week, supervising “poorly performing employees” before calling for a replacement.


Hiring mistakes every manager should avoid.

The good news is that there are many strategies managers can adopt to prevent the quantifiable costs of hiring mistakes. Here is what to avoid:


Sticking to what you always do


Managers hire people all the time. But proven experience is not always a guarantee of success. In fact, the repetition of a process can make the best of us perform on the automatic, like brushing teeth: you already know what to do, which doesn’t mean you are doing right.

In a fast-paced society like ours, it’s essential to take the time to question whether there are better ways of getting the job done. Before jumping to your next hire, explore what’s out there. Investigate what other managers are doing to find and recruit talent. Don’t be afraid of adopting new hiring tactics. Sticking to your customary routine will undoubtedly make your process outdated and prone to otherwise preventable hiring mistakes.


Not running an extra mile


It’s a tough time to find, recruit and retain talent. As stated before, the talent pool is getting low as people become more conscious about their work-life balance. The pursuit of a purpose beyond work is making many decline job offers or leave the workforce altogether. Not to mention that, in times of global competition, companies are fighting to retain each standing talent.

As a hiring manager, you will need to do more than just your homework to hire the best fit. It’s time to evaluate competence beyond the superficiality of a LinkedIn Profile or a seemingly impressive resume. Use technology in your favor to cross-analyze the data. In addition to technical skills evaluation, make sure you consider behavioral analysis. Don’t underestimate the power of a quick call to check references. You can learn more about a person by reaching out to former employees than by only examining their on-page presence.


Rushing the process


Time is always of the essence. In the corporate world, most demands are for yesterday. By all means, rushing a recruitment process is the most common hiring mistake managers make. Although it might seem more practical to fill a position immediately, taking time to do things right is always worth it. To begin with, before you send out the job description, make sure you know exactly what you seek. Misguiding job descriptions will lead to casting a wrong net of candidates. Subsequently, be critical of the requirements. Companies sometimes draft long and complicated lists of requirements that aren’t necessarily aligned with the actual demands of the position.

Furthermore, review all candidacies with care. Don’t rush the decision process. You can always call for another round of interviews if required. However, once the hire is official, it will cost time and money to fix hiring mistakes.


Having a narrow casting net


Technology should be an aid, not a crutch. There isn’t anything wrong with using social platforms to scout talent. It’s a fact that they are taking those traditional forms of job advertisement by storm. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t diversify. Other managers probably use the same go-to tools to cast high-skilled professionals. According to Jobvite Recruiter Nation Report 2016, 87% of recruiters use LinkedIn to check candidates. Think smart. Aim at other job boards to avoid competition and a saturated pool of candidates.

In fact, consider lesser-known job boards. Share ads on social media, partner up with colleges, or even job fairs, depending on the rank of professionals you are searching for. Nevertheless, the important message here is: make your casting net wider. You may end up with more than you need, but it’s always better to have a variety to choose from.


Falling for oversellers & making starstruck hires


Candidates need to make a good impression to get hired. It’s part of the game. That said, hiring managers must be extra cautious of oversellers. Sometimes, eager to get a job, people tend to stretch their professional experiences and achievements. It’s easy to get impressed by a professional who seemingly fits all requirements. The truth is: there aren’t perfect candidates. Nobody will check all the boxes. Sometimes, the best investment is hiring a person willing to bridge their skill gap.

Additionally, companies become starstruck when they see prominent brand names on a candidate’s resume. However, being a former employee of a Fortune 500 company won’t guarantee that the candidate is the best fit for the role. Subjectivity should have no say in the hiring process. Analyze each candidacy with an objective and measurable approach.


Don’t get discouraged


Finding the best fit for a role can be frustrating. Not to mention the immense responsibility of finding the person who will propel the team and the business forward. The pressure from companies compounds each day as this position stays vacant. Nevertheless, you have a solid guide to your successful next hire now that we have covered the most preventable hiring mistakes. Use your best judgment and past experiences as a compass. Just like a puzzle piece, a good hire falls easily into place. No matter how long it can take to hire, you will never regret spending the time and effort to find the right person.


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